FAME OR SHAME Party Game – Create Your Own Entertaiment
FAME OR SHAME Party Game – Create Your Own Entertaiment
FAME OR SHAME Party Game – Create Your Own Entertaiment
FAME OR SHAME Party Game – Create Your Own Entertaiment

FAME OR SHAME Party Game – Create Your Own Entertaiment

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ASIN: B0885W4983
UPC: 664213583677
    • LEAVE YOUR HEADACHES BEHIND - game for 17 +. A great party game for 3-8 players, but not for kids. . There are no real rules. Well, there’s one: When one player has a turn as the Director, the others are the Actors. The Director, creates the story, gives them tips and advice, and calls ‘action!’ Then it’s time to improv. The results are hilarious.


    • MILLIONS OF DOLLARS - For the actors, it’s all about competing to see who can provide the best improv in the scene. Get paid millions of ‘dollars’ for your best performance. Players take turns as Director, who gets paid for the story, but actors need to work for their cut. The team has to work together until the end, because the show must go on, despite the way they keep changing roles - from over 200 cards with unique possibilities! Including, “Your choice”!

    • WILD & CREATIVE - Create mad fun with the people you love. Create the best (or the worst, it’s up to you) scenario for them to act in. Compete to build funny and terrible stories about friendships, superheroes, violence, sex, romantic relationships, family secrets, enchanted caves, and everything else your imagination can create. The scene comes to life in front of your eyes - straight from your imagination - in seconds!


    • HOW DEEP DOES YOUR RABBIT HOLE GO? - Act in a movie! Once your director’s turn passes, play any number of more than 200 roles! Become a confident businessman, hot secretary, Spartan king, alien queen, chief of an Eskimo tribe, pirate, or even God Almighty Himself! How can you make a story with so many characters that just shouldn’t be together? That’s the challenge, that’s the fun. Get ready to loosen up and start now with a completely new level of partying!


    • PERFECT FOR YOUR NEXT PARTY - This party game can literally go savage. Awesome to play with friends, at an office party, or a dinner. Great for college, a get-together, a game night, fun with the family (but not the young ones), or even while camping or online! Your friends will love this game and you’ll be talking about the night weeks later… That is if you won’t play again the next day. We offer a full 30 Days Refund Guarantee! Add to cart now and start your own, Red Carpet journey.


Why our game?

When you play it you are free to create, think, and speak.

So just let yourself go; create your own world from your own imagination and fill it with your naughty humor. No one’s going to judge you – in fact, craziness is required!

What does it mean to Create Your Own Entertainment?

You decide; is it a funny story, a sad story, or a mysterious story? But…this is not a game for deep thought. Your ideas will come fast and spontaneous. No time to self-censor, and that’s the fun. Just think out loud. It’s that easy to play

What’s the best thing in the game?

Your friends, like actors, will play out your own story in front of you!

Imagine your friends acting like a Homo-erectus, a priest, a badass-grandmother, a clone of another player, a robot, or any one of more than 200 roles!

Who made you laugh the most wins! It’s that simple.

Won’t I get bored easily in this game?

It’s our goal to keep you constantly entertained for hours. The next  turn you will become an actor, swapping the director’s chair with another player.

Now, go get in the spotlight, and play along with the other players, like you’re kids again!

There are over 400 variables for each story (role and action cards), giving you endless possibilities to create unexpected stories and unforgettable moments of fun!

From the first night you play, you will have so much fun with your friends, like you’ve never had before. You’ll feel your batteries charged till the next game night. You’ll go to sleep saying, “Ahh… What a great day that was!”